Campaign Creation Troubleshooting & FAQ
Check out this article to find an answer to some of the most common questions and concerns related to campaign creation!
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Check out this article to find an answer to some of the most common questions and concerns related to campaign creation!
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Facebook’s ad review time can be anywhere from 5 minutes to 2 days. Once your ad is created, it enters a review queue where a team of highly-trained Facebook employees will review it and then either approve or reject it. Since the review process is human-based, it’s also subjective. The same ad might be approved by someone and not approved by someone else. If your ads have been pending approval for more than 24 hours, you can click the "notify Facebook" link in the pending approval message to fill out a form to have them review your ads manually. Another thing you can do is to try republishing your ads. Just make a small update to your creatives and select update campaign to republish. You can read more about this in our knowledge base here
That's just a quirk of the preview! Unfortunately, we can't pull the audio preview for the videos you upload (as we pull this directly from FB's API and they don't provide us with an audio preview). As long as the video you uploaded has audio attached, you should have nothing to worry about here.
If you right-click on the video in the preview, then select Open Video in a New Tab, it will open up the video in a new tab and show you the normal video control options – this will allow you to turn the sound on in the preview, so you can check for yourself.
If you are seeing the below message:
Then it sounds like you're running into a 'feature' that Google Chrome added recently. Here's what you'll want to do to disable that so you can see your ad previews:
If you're seeing the below messaging:
"Ad Creative Is Incomplete. The post ((insert post ID)) cannot be loaded, it might be deleted or you are lacking permissions to see it you selected for your ad is not available. It could be deleted or you might not have permissions to see it. Please check your ad creative and try again."
That's likely a bug with Facebook's preview generating tool that's cropped up recently. While Facebook is still working towards a resolution, the good news is that the ads themselves should create/run totally fine.
It's possible that you haven't given us access to all of your Facebook pages. You can check this by going HERE, and clicking the ToneDen option. Once you do that, scroll down to where you see "This business integration can:" like in the screenshot below. From there, you'll be able to check the boxes next to all of your pages.
If you have granted us the proper permission and your Facebook page(s) still isn't appearing, it may be that you do not have admin or advertiser access to the Facebook page.
You can review/edit the designated roles in the "Page Roles" section of the Facebook page like so:
Here is more info on requesting admin/advertiser access to a Facebook page if you are not already an admin/advertiser.
If your Instagram Account is not appearing in the Select Accounts step, it likely means you have not connected the IG account to your Facebook page. Please read the following guide!
For starter, you can control where the ad runs in the 'Placement' section of each audience. The best way to edit (typically) is to select 'Edit Multiple Audiences', adjust the placements, and then hit 'Apply'.
If your Instagram Account is not appearing in the "Expand Your Reach" section, this is often because the IG account is not an Instagram Business Account.
You will need to switch the IG account to a Business Account in order to use your IG fans + engagers as a targetable audience.
Here's our guide on how to make that switch, it's super simple!